Play Golf When its Windy by Greg Hansward Wind and other weather conditions can play a large role in the quality of your game. Even though you may have the perfect stance, the right club in hand, and the right green conditions, if the wind is blowing too hard in one direction or there is a cross breeze, your ball will not land where you intended. For the beginning golfer, this can be very frustrating. Even in the best golf weather, new golfers will have difficulty controlling the ball, so you can imagine their frustration when the wind begins to blow. But in order to become a better golfer, you will have to learn how to golf in different weather conditions. Depending on where you live, the course may be drier or wet during different times during the year. The same occurs with wind. If decide to travel to another course in a different country, you will face other wind and weather challenges. Learning how to golf despite these challenges is important if you want to enjoy golf for most ...
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